The Meadow Suite
Welcome to The Meadow Suite to all our children and families – here we would like to share a little bit about our Nursery and some of the activities and experiences you can look forward to.
About The Meadow
The Meadow Suite is made up of two learning bases for children who are accessing two-year-old early education places, are rising threes or children who may need some additional support.
The base rooms are named Caterpillars and Butterflies we are very proud of how inclusive the rooms are and that children can play across both rooms each day.
All the rooms follow a curriculum that is child led and children’s individual needs and interests are carefully planned for.
We provide lots of opportunities for sensory and messy play as well as small group work focussed on learning needs.
There is a large outdoor area that all children access which offers lots of physical challenge and the chance to experience the joy of the changing seasons around us.
Settling In
We welcome new children to The Meadow at the start of each term in September, January and April. All new children will have a doorstep visit followed by some settling in Stay and Play sessions. Children and parents/carers will spend time playing together and getting to know their key person. From there they will gradually build up the time they spend in the room without their parent/carer until they are ready to stay for the full session.
We offer a variety of foods and snacks such as cereal, fruit, yoghurts and crackers, which are available each session to the children, as well as fresh water and milk.
Group Time
The children are given the opportunity daily to access a group time suitable for their learning needs. Sometimes that will involve a simple story, singing rhymes with puppets and props or getting our bodies moving with some dance and movement.
Sensory Rooms
All children have access to the sensory rooms and movement studios. These spaces are designed to give the opportunity to explore with the sensory equipment in small groups.
Sharing Learning
All children’s progress is celebrated, and learning is captured through observations and assessment which is shown in their Learning Journeys. This is shared with parents throughout the year at various points where reports are sent home or parents are invited in to speak to their key person.
Key people are always available to provide daily feedback too.
We love to see what our families have enjoyed doing at home and welcome any photos that we can add to their learning journeys and our displays.
Moving On
As children progress, they will move onto a new base room. This is usually at the end of a term and when the child is ready to move on. Sometimes the children will move down to The Woodland or The Nest and sometimes they will stay in The Meadow but in a different base room. Before any transition children will visit their new base room and parents/carers may be asked to stay and play with them whilst they adjust to the change.
Better Start Imagine
Providing free books to children under four in our area, to help develop language and literacy skills.
Better Start Imagine will provide free books to families with children under four, to help them read with their child and develop their language and literacy skills. Every child born in the Better Start Bradford area after 1 January 2016 can be signed up to the scheme, and receive a book each month until their fourth birthday (from December 2016). Evaluation from a similar scheme in the Canterbury area of Bradford shows it works in encouraging reading and book-related activities by families.
Click here for more information and to sign up your child.