Autumn Term 2020 Bonfire Night

This year we are feeling a little bit sad that we are unable to celebrate Bonfire Night in our usual way. For the past few years we have loved celebrating by bringing our community together for a Firework Celebration. It has always been a special event filled with awe and wonder, hot dogs, sweet treats and usually rain!!


Have a look at some of our pictures from previous years.

This year things have to be a little different.  With the current situation it is important that you stay at home. We are inviting you to cosy up with your family and share these activities at home. Thanks to our wonderful friends at Morrisons we are able to provide each child with a kit to make a warming hot chocolate and a sweet treat to enjoy!

Why not start by watching this wonderful firework display from the London 2020 New Year Celebration! Who knew what kind of a year lay ahead!?!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....... wow

Warning: Flashing Images


Communication and Language

Does your child recognise any of the iconic sights from our capital city such as The London Eye or Big Ben? There are lots of opportunities to talk about the shapes and colours that the fireworks make.


Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design

If your child is wondering why we celebrate bonfire night this lesson will help your child to understand. There is an opportunity to make a bonfire picture. You will need: paper, glue or tape, sticks, dry leaves and scissors. We would love to see your creations.



Have a go at this counting activity with your child.