Best Strategies to Promote Mental Health in K-12 Schools


Mental Health & Wellbeing

If you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health and wellbeing please speak to a member of the Family Team who may be able to support you and signpost you to access further support if needed. If you feel unable to speak to someone there is lots of supporting websites, helplines and text message services that can help.

Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important. Here are some organisations that can help you;


MyWellbeing College: A free service in Bradford to help people manage everyday problems such as low mood, anxiety, sleep problems and stress. You can register for MyWellbeing college online or over the phone and don't need to go through your GP.

Telephone: 0300 5555551


Samaritans: Free emotional support line 24 hours a day Telephone: 116 123


Mind: Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (Monday - Friday 9am until 6pm)


NHS: NHS Mental Health Service


First Response: Support for anyone in crisis who lives in Bradford, Airedale, Wharfdale or Craven

Telephone: 01274 221 181 (24/7)


Guide-Line: Confidential telephone helpline for anyone who needs crisis support.  Guide-Line also provides support and advice to the relatives or friends of those who are in crisis.

Telephone: 01274 594594    Monday - Sunday 12pm - 9pm 


CALM: (Campaign Against Living Miserably) Provides listening services, information and support for men at risk of suicide

Telephone: 0800 58 58 58


Switchboard: LGBTQ+ helpline providing listening services, information and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities    Telephone: 0300 330 0630


The National Association for People Abused in Childhood: (NAPAC) Information for people abused in childhood

Telephone: 0808 8010331


If you think you are experiencing a mental health crisis you can contact first response on 01274 221181 they are available 24 hours a day OR call 999 OR go to A&E.