The Woodland Suite (3 to 4 years)
The Woodland follows a child led and core story curriculum, aiming to build on what children may have learnt during their time in other learning suites. The team enhance children's learning by a mixture of following their lead and interests, aswell as specific teaching that is related to our core books and rhymes.
At the start of every nursery session, children are greeted by their key person as they join their animal group for registration and a ‘funky fingers’ activity. This is followed by a small group teaching session where children engage in lots of different learning activities. This can include mark making activities, sensory experiences, singing songs and rhymes, developing counting skills and many more! We also share our core story of the week. The children then choose where to freely explore within the provision. At the end of the session, the children collect their own coats and belongings and re-join their animal group for a planned activity before home time.
Through careful deliberation with the various schools that our children move onto in the local area, we have not bought into a specific Phonics scheme, but we do aim to build solid foundations in Listening and Attention skills through a range of activities.
Enrichment Groups
The children have the opportunity to take part in a variety of enrichment groups, which run throughout the year. These have included groups such as Baking Group, Maths, All Aboard, Adventure Group and Forest School. They further enhance the children’s learning and enrich their nursery experience, as well as being very popular with the children. They are tailored to each cohort and their individual learning needs.
We have funded free education places for 3 and 4 year olds. We offer 5 sessions per week (morning or afternoon). We also have 30 Hour Funded places. These places are open to all children.